4216) S?ewerk und Holzhandel
Der Ursprung unseres S?ewerkes liegt im Jahre 1806. Damals wurde die erste S?e noch mit Wasserkraft betrieben. Inzwischen hat sich der Betrieb so wei
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4217) S?ewerk Schwaiger GmbH & Co. KG
Total production: 410000 m3/yr ----------------------- The Schwaiger Sawmill Nowadays: We are a nearby the gate to the Bavarian Forest. The loca
Located in:Germany
4219) S?ewerk Echtle GmbH & Co KG
Total production: 22000 m3 -------------------- With 40 employees and an annual cut of 45,000 cubic meters, we are at the more small businesses. Thus
Located in:Germany
4220) Rettenmeier Group
Total production: 1550000 m3/yr ------------------ Rettenmeier Group One of the leading brands for industry, trade and craftwork at home and abr
Located in:Germany
4221) Holzwerke Pr?stl GmbH
Total production: 260000 m3/yr ----------------------- The high ?quality construction timber from Pr?stl is used in the construction of large industr
Located in:Germany
4222) Pollmeier Massivholz GmbH & Co.KG
Total production: 300000 m3/yr ---------------------------------- insight into Europe's most powerful sawmills. An insight into Europe's most c
Located in:Germany
4223) Pfeifle Holz OHG
Bereits 1856 gr?dete Jakob Friedrich Pfeifle im heutigen Seewald-Schorrental eine S?em?le. Diese wurde zur damaligen Zeit noch neben der Landwirtschaft betriebe
Located in:Germany
4224) Merkle Holz
Wood is not only the most natural construction material - it has furthermore excellent technical properties of wood is stable but easy, beautiful and healthy, r
Located in:Germany
4225) Mayer GmbH
Die 1980 gegr?dete S?ewerk und Holzhandlung Mayer GmbH wird heute in dritter Generation gef?rt. Der Betrieb ist ein innovatives und zukunftsorientiertes F
Located in:Germany
4226) Ludwig Junker
Total production: 15000 m3/yr ---------------------- Schnittholzsortiment Brettware Hobelware Veredelung - Weite
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4227) Matth. L?fer KG
deliver the highest quality: Timber of any kind whether wood or cross herzfrei in spruce, fir, Douglas fir, pine, larch Logs from the
Located in:Germany
4228) Ladenburger
Total production: 280000 m3/yr ----------------------- Glued laminated boards (glulam) The material of choice for applications where load bearin
Located in:Germany
4229) K?ler GmbH
Total production: 18000 m3/yr ------------------------ Wood is a precious, beautiful and organic raw materials at the same time. Our sawmill i
Located in:Germany
4230) Klenk Holz AG
Total production: 1750000 m3/yr ---------------------- Total production: 1 million m?(logs) Wood species: Spruce (Picea abies), Silver Fir (Abi
Located in:Germany